Travel Dreams: New destinations we have discovered

Over the past month we have been sharing our personal travel dreams with you. This week, we finish by sharing some of our favorite new destinations we think you cannot miss. These are places we have discovered, or in some cases “re”discovered in our research over the past year.
Each week’s news cycle contains more promising news about the future of travel. The vaccination campaign is on track in most of the Mediterranean. Coupled with North American progress, this means very good news. We are confident to resume our travel lives in the next few months. We have seen travelers return to our home villages here in Italy. We’ve even started planning our summer work vacations ourselves! As we finish this month’s blog series, we are sharing some of these new destinations we cannot wait to visit.
Destinations we have discovered this year that we think clients cannot miss – these are some special travel dreams from those who make your travel dreams come true! We hope they give you some inspiration for an upcoming dream trip in a new travel world eager to see you!
Kate, head of sales and Mediterranean travel specialist on her new destination

Slovenia is not on everyone’s radar yet, but I am sure that in the next few years, it will become a hot destination. This new destination is perfect for travelers looking for uncrowded, culturally interesting spots with beautiful nature and charming cities. It’s a great stopover between Venice and Croatia and right now, still incredibly underpriced for what it offers. I would suggest going to Slovenia before it takes off! Enjoy it while it’s still relatively unknown to North American tourists!
Christine, Social Media and Mediterranean travel specialist
I’ve been discovering lots of less visited destinations in the Mediterranean this past year. The lesser “known” Greek islands are very special to me. I love Greece. The food, the culture, the history, the people…and I am also happiest by water. Santorini and Mykonos are certainly worth a visit, they are breathtaking.

However, a new destination I have discovered, the island of Ikaria, really intrigues me! It’s one of the places on earth where people live the longest. It doesn’t have any museums or internationally famous restaurants or clubs. But it does have some wonderfully authentic small restaurants, humble and hearty locals, rugged hiking trails and untouched nature. Though Ikaria might not be the perfect island for you, my point is to explore some of the lesser visited Greek islands. Add a few nights in a different island to your Greek itinerary. Anafi, Milos, Naxos…they are less famous than their sisters, but will steal your heart just the same!

Megan, Bella Vita’s founder on her rediscovered new destination
It’s not that I did not know about it before, but this year when working on a few postponed trips and doing a bit more research I became super interested in the Alentejo region of Portugal. As somewhat less traveled than the big wine regions, it is reminiscent of Tuscany in terms of color but also has its own distinct charm. Evora is Portuguese architecture at its finest and a UNESCO Heritage site. There are dozens of excellent wine producers that you can tour. The beaches are unspoiled beauties as well.

Luigi, head of Italian operations
During last year the entire world went almost in pause, especially the world of travel. In my pause, I tried to virtually travel as much as I could and I did discover few new interesting places where I would like to go as soon as I can.

I am a Sicily island lover, my family is originally from Sicily also. Right in front of the city of Trapani, there is an archipelago of small islands calls Egadi, the smallest one is Levanzo. This island will be a great day trip from Sicily by ferry or private boat. The colors of the ground and the sea in Levanzo are unique, it is full of beautiful beaches and grottos to explore and relax. The most important grotto is the “gotta del Genovese” where you can find Paleolithic and Neolithic drawings.

If you are a scuba diver, at about 27 and 30 meters deep, there are the remains of a Roman wreck, about fifty amphorae and fragments of black-painted ceramic pottery dating back to the 1st century BC. This day trip could be a chance to enjoy and experience a south Mediterranean small and uncontaminated beautiful island.
New destinations you cannot miss – travel dreams from those who make your travel dreams come true.
We hope that we have given you some inspiration for your next tailor made vacation. We cannot wait to show you these new (or newly rediscovered) destinations!
Contact us to start planning your dream trip!